Further Partner Institutions
In addition to our ten universities, the teff network encompasses a wide array of partners representing diverse sectors of society.
This includes our partner cities and regional authorities, various cultural and educational institutions, research centers, as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This extensive network extends beyond the realm of higher education, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics within our ecosystems and creating enhanced avenues for collaboration. By incorporating associate partners into our consortium, we empower collaborative problem-solving in the field of teacher education.
Academie Tien
Amt für Schulentwicklung Stadt Köln
Basisschool De Wendakker

Helios Gesamtschule
Inklusive Universitätsschule Köln

Helios Primarstufe
Inklusive Universitätsschule Köln
Kungshögsskolan Ljungby School
Lacko Internationella Grundskola AB

Ljungby kommun
Ministerium für Schule und Bildung NRW
Pacemaker Initiative
Education Y